Extensive Program - Culture Transformation
Culture is the elusive and intangible force which drives behaviour within your organisation. The beliefs, attitudes and unspoken rules of your employees can be a power for positive growth or the anchor that’s weighing your organisation down. Knowing how your employees feel and how they behave and interact with each other is just as important, if not more important than having a clear strategic plan in place.
A healthy and thriving workplace culture will ensure you attract and retain the best people and you get the most out of them as they’ll be happy in their jobs and are achieving their potential. Recognising your current culture is one step, but meaningless if you don’t have the tools and support to know how to improve it, if necessary. Leaders also need to recognise the power of their position to model the right behaviours. They have a crucial role in evolving the culture from the top down.
According to TINYpulse, 43% of workers would be willing to leave their companies for a 10% salary increase, and weak company cultures are to blame. In this program we help you define and understand your culture and work together to create a plan to evolve your organisation and achieve the business goals you desire.
"Culture eats strategy for lunch"
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